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Jellystone Park.
One of the nation's oldest and most beautiful stretches of wilderness.
For years, families have headed out from the busy city...
...eager to enjoy a little camping, fishing...
...and, of course, observing the park's natural wildlife.
Boo Boo, I think it's time. I introduced myself to that pic-a-nic basket.
You know, Yogi, we could just hunt for food.
All the other animals do.
Boo Boo, a pic-a-nic basket has everything a bear needs.
And l'm not just talking about the treats and snack-type goodies. No.
A pic-a-nic basket holds a lot more than that.
It holds dreams.
What are we looking at?
I don't know.
Hook me in.
You sure it'll work, Yogi?
Well, you know, Boo Boo, I'm smarter than the average bear!
All right!
Ranger Smith!
Sorry about that. We got a 4-23 in Redwood Valley, sir.